Saturday, August 3, 2013

Elfen Lied

The Elfen Lied story was very sexual and violent.It had a lot of nudity,sex, gore,violence and a little romance mixed into it.Other than the nudity scenes it was very entertaining,especially, the fighting scenes.This story is about a boy named Kouta, who starts living in Tokyo while trying to go to school along with his roommate and childhood friend Yuka.

One day, these two decide to take a walk on the beach when they just happen to find a naked teenage girl with horns on her head being washed up on the beach.They took the girl, who they later named Lucy, back to their place, cleaned her up and found that she not only has no memory of who or what she is.But, also has the mentality of a young child and their theory is confirmed when she wets herself on the hardwood floor.So, considering the fact that she has amnesia,can't seem to take care of herself and has no place left to go they decide let Lucy stay with them.

But,it turns out that Lucy is a gentically modified human which the government called the 'diclonius" and when she escaped from her cell she started killing people left in right till she ended up on the beach.Now the government is hunting her down and plans on taking her back....dead or alive.Also, I would like to mention that not only is she not human but also has a split personality.The innocent part of her that could do no wrong is Nyuu and the sadistic fighter in her is Lucy.With these two personalities combined she could,probably, make tons of friends and kill all of her enemies mercilessly at the same time.

Their were two things that I liked most about this show and that was watching the forgotten mental pieces of both Kouta and Lucy's past come together.The second thing was watching how Nyuu/Lucy and Yuka fought over who would get Kouta and I think Yuka's got a lot of guts to be fighting over a man with a powerful,horned diclonius that could rip her to pieces at any time.So, my advice to her would be to back off while she's ahead.What I didn't like about this show was that it was only 14 episodes which I think is too short for any anime, I thought they could make it last just a little bit longer.

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