Monday, September 23, 2013


Misaki, one of our main characters in Maid-Sama is this high strong, tough and a boy hating student council president.Also, she is her school's first female president considering the fact that the school used to be a all boys school until recently.But, now that girls are starting to make their appearance within the school Misaki has made it her mission that the school becomes a paradise for the girls.The girls adore her and the boys fear her.

That is her image at school, outside of school is a different story.After school she becomes a maid at a local cafe.She's very good at her job and does it to support her family.Also, she has gone to great links towards making sure that no one especially her classmates finding out about her after school job.But, all of her hard work is put down the drain when Usui finds out.Usui is not only the most popular and most good looking boy at school but is also Misaki's ultimate rival.

She hates his guts but we can pick up right away that he has a crush on her.I think he picks on her so much because he wants to have her attention or that he just like seeing her mad. After, Usui discovers her secret, she thought he would blab to everyone at school the next day but that wasn't the case.Instead, he visits her everyday at the cafe.Misaki's dense skull can't seem to understand why he doesn't use this to get revenge on her.

This anime is filled with romance, friendship, love rivalry, silly little adventures, crazy characters and obviously violence. My favorite side characters would have to be the three thugs that appeared in the beginning trying to rough up Misaki but later becoming not only her most loyal and regular customers but her followers as well.Everyday they waver at her beauty and make sure to come to the cafe everday to their wallet's dismay.I also liked her cute little boss, Satsuki, who always voicing out her fantasies whenever Misaki and Usui are together.This show is really enjoyable and your just going to love watching Misaki in all of these embarrasing love encounters and Usui torturing her to his heart's content.

Thanks for Reading!

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