Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blood +

Hello, again fellow anime fan lovers!!! This time around I'm going to be talking about Blood Plus. If you've been an anime fan long enough then you've at least heard of this show.Its about a teenage girl named Saya who as amnesia and is living with her adopted family. Now I know what you guys are thinking what's so special about a teenage girl with amnesia? Well, nothing really unless you think her killing evil monsters with her sword special?

Yes, this girl has major monster kicking capabilities. But her samurai awesomeness doesn't start till Haji makes his grand appearance. Saya has the ability to wound or kill evil creatures called Chiroterans. Chiroterans are monsters that feed on the blood of humans and they can also turn another human into a chiroteran. So, basically their ugly vampires with not a lot of intelligence but make up for it with their strength, speed and acute animal instincts. But, back to the matter at hand, now that she has started killing monsters once again a special government force called Red Shield has asked her to join their ranks so that she may destroy the chiroterans once and for all.

Soon, she will come to find that will not be an easy feat. She must now say good bye to her close friends and loved ones as she now embarks on an journey that will forever change her and the members of her family's life. Also, with the help of her mysterious servant, Haji, she comes forever closer to unlocking her memories and finding the source to all of this madness.

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