Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blood Lad

Ever wondered if the monsters that go bump in the night have their very own world? Well, then wonder no more because that's exactly what you'll get in Blood Lad. This is about a vampire named Staz who is not only the boss of his terrority but as also been named to being one of the strongest vampires in the demon world.Weirdly, though he doesn't even like being a vampire and just thinks its a big fat pain in the butt.So he mostly just spends his time playing video games or watching anime and has long since dreamed to going to the human world or, at least, meeting a human in person.

According to this story, neither human nor monster can cross to each other's world without going through a lot of trouble just to visit. But, considering the fact that the humans don't even know about this other world the likely hood of one entering the demon world was slim to none.Until, one day a human girl named Fuyumi suddenly appears in the world of demons and in Staz's territory no less!

People wanted to know how she even got in there if she didn't even know about the demon world and she said that she saw a weird looking mirror in the alley and ended up stepping through it and the next thing she knew she was there.Of course, no one believed that she had gotten there so easily but how she got there wasn't the boss Staz's main concern all he was thinking about was meeting a human for the first time.But,alas dear Staz didn't get his wish because of a surprise attack from an unknown monster that wanted to defeat Staz in order for him to get his territory and ended up eating the poor girl and which in turn led her in becoming a ghost.

Staz then swears to Fuyami that he'll do whatever it takes towards bringing her back to life. This task becomes very difficult for him because no one even knows how to bring someone back to life. But then later he discovers that theirs a book on resurrection but its going to be hard to find. In this story theirs a lot of violence,magic, horror,humor and romance mixed together in this little gothic drawn story and I would have to say its a very enjoyable read.Also, this a manga and a anime and the anime was just recently made so they're aren't many episodes out there yet. I'm just glad that they finally turned it into an anime, now if only they would complete the manga.

Now with the anime of Blood Lad starting to make its appearance known I just hope this pushes them to update faster so we all can see how this ends.I just hope I get to see a one on one match with Staz against his older brother.

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