Monday, November 18, 2013

Virgin Blood

        This manga is brand spanking new and only one chapter has come out so far. So, I won't be able to talk a lot about what goes on in this story, but I can at least tell you what its mainly about.Its about a normal high school girl named Mimiko.When I mean normal, I mean she's totally normal. She's not a he in disguise, doesn't have any super powers, a secret past none of that just a normal girl living in a cafe that looks like a million dollar mansion with a group of hot guys that are always at her beck and call, that's all.

         Also, just because I mention she has a group of hot guys serving her day and night doesn't mean that she's royalty or a rich girl from a wealthy family or anything like that. But, it does make you wonder. What's going to make you even wonder even more is the relationship between her and her father, who doesn't even look like a day over 19. Seriously, this guy is smoking hot and so young looking that you wonder what he's using, you just can't believe that this is her dad. Well, he's not actually.

          Mimiko's parents died when she was really young and later he came and adopted her. He and the rest of the staff treat her just like a princess and she gets everything that she wants, but doesn't gain that snobby personality that most rich people get. As she gets older, Mimiko's feelings for her dad start to change. She's getting confused at what kind of love she feels for her father now. He's her dad, but not her real dad. He's way older than her, but looks like he can pass for any other teenage boy. You see where I'm going with this and in the beginning your going to get a little confused yourself, but it'll make sense later on.

         Now, your probably thinking that's the whole story, right? Well, you'd be wrong about that. Later, it reveals a certain supernatural flare to this unusual love story. Turns out, he dad is a vampire! I bet the rest of the handsome staff are vampires, too. This starts to make you think,' why would a vampire adopt and raise an orphaned child?' If you know vampires like I do then the answer is simple, but if you want to confirm your suspicion with your own eyes then I suggest giving Virgin Blood a glance. Be warned only one chapter is out now and it ends with a serious cliffie that'll make you scream. So, if you don't like awesome cliffies with no recent updates to the story then I suggest you wait a while before giving this story a turn. For the ones who do go read it write after reading this then I hope you enjoy this supernatural romance story.

Thanks for Reading!

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