Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Akame ga Kiru

This manga is about a group of travelers mainly a swordsman named Tatsumi who left their village in hopes that they can make enough money in the capital to save their village. But, some unexpected and messed up things to his group which led them to becoming separated.Leaving Tatsumi to travel alone to the capital in hopes that he'll meet them there. When he arrives some strange and cruel things happened to him during his stay in the capital. For example, he meets a sexy thief named Leon who convinces him that she had connections in the military and with enough money could convince that person to help the naive Tatsumi get in. It wasn't until hours later, after he gave her the money that he realized that he's been robbed.

If you don't think that's bad enough, later he finds out that not only did his close friends make it to the capital. But, they've been tortured and killed by some of the cruel people that live in the capital. If the Night Raid hadn't arrived and killed them, he probably would have suffered the same fate. Tatsumi survived the close encounter with death and reluctantly joined the Night Raid.

The Night Raid is a group of assassins who take requests from the public that ask them to kill someone. They do it in hopes that their dark and cruel world will change little by little, but their ulimate goal is killing the prime minister. The prime minister is the main evil mastermind behind everything disturbing in this show. Everything that they have to destroy was caused by the prime minister one way or the other. If you trace the problem I bet you, you'll find that he had a hand in it. If that wasn't enough, the guy has his claws in the emperor. The emperor is just a kid and doesn't seem to know any better, so I can't really blame him for not knowing what's going on in his own country. But, I bet if he was a little older, he wouldn't be that easily blind sided.

Anway, the Night Raid seems to be made up of mostly women. The only guys are Tatsumi, Rabac and Braht. The other people that make up the group are Leone, Mein, Akame, Schere and Najenda. Najenda is the serious and clever leader of the Night Raiders. Schere is one of the assassins, she really quiet and keeps to herself but whenever she talks its blunt and honest. The one thing I couldn't get was why she said sorry to everyone she killed maybe she felt a little sorry for them or it was her way of being weird who knows. Schere's weapon is a huge pair of scissors.

Leone is the sexy thief/assassin who recruited Tatsumi. She can take beast form and tear her victims apart limb by limb. She also seems to like teasing poor unsuspecting Tatsumi. Mein, on the other hand, didn't like him the moment she saw him. But, after being forced to work with each other, she started to warm up to him. She's so full of herself and thinks that she's a genius and even though, she's starting to like him now they still fight. Eventually, I think she'll start to like him more than a friend or co-worker, but she looks like one of those types that wont admit it till the end. Her weapon of choice is a big sniper gun she named pumpkin.

Last but not least, their is Akame who I think is the most bad ass girl in the entire group. She was raised in the wild and trained to be an assassin in an early age by the empire. So, she already knew how to fight and kill people really young. She's really quiet but you can tell that she cares about her group because she practically freaks out, whenever, she finds out that one of her comrades is injured. I think that she's going to become another love interest in this story. Her weapon of choice is a curse sword that kills you instantly if you gain a single cut or scratch from it.

Night is full of unique and strange people and the people they end up fighting are even stranger. I wonder if Tatsumi will get his own special weapon as the story continues. Also, I think this manga is still ongoing so it isn't complete yet. The story so far is filled with gore, fighting, cool abilities, romance and conspiracy. I can't wait to see who'll they fight next and see if they ever kill the prime minister.

Thanks for Reading!

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