Saturday, August 31, 2013


This manga is about a Necromancer and a police girl.The Necromancer is a legendary,myth in this story and in real life.But in this one you can find a necromancer named Asutsuo,who can be found in the alley of slum street.He'll bring back your loved ones for a price.You have to make a contract with him with your soul.

When I first read that I thought something was going to wrong and that person can't get their soul back.Well,I was kind of right.It turns out that not only are you selling your soul to bring this person back to life,but for some cases,your soul kind of fuels how long they live so you can end up dying,too!Also,when Asutsuo uses his powers to bring a person back to life he takes their most deepest and strongest desire/emotion and twists it.So,if the victim's strongest emotion was love it would get twisted to obsession or dislike being twisted to pure hot hate.For most cases in this story things don't turn out so well.But,its no skin off his nose for he's just giving the customer what they asked for.

He has caused some major disturbances with his magic and that's when the police girl,Ricott, comes in.Ever since,she discovered where he's been hiding and what he can do she has been trying everything that she can to stop it.But,Ricott can't stop willing customers that are plagued by grief no matter how hard she tries.Even though,they wouldn't listen to her warnings she still tried to help them as much as she could.

I would have to admire Ricott's spunky and fiery nature and her passion for justice,but sometimes I thought she was in the way and needed to get off Asutsuo's case.I really liked Asutsuo's character, he was very quiet,smart and mysterious and I think he secretly liked having Ricott around because I think he likes seeing her reactions and seeing her struggle with helping his "customer". As I kept reading it I kept wondering how they were going to end the story and they ended it with a twist I didn't see coming.I'm not going to tell you what happened in the end,of course, but I do think you guys should give Necromancer a chance.

Thanks for Reading!

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